Rolling Sampler Changelog
(1/14/2023) - 1.0!
Icon redesign
Added setting to save 24-bit files
- Right click -> Settings -> Format
- Rolling Sampler will still save 32-bit files by default
Added keyboard shortcut to directly save selection to recording path (s)
Fixed standalone settings location on macOS
Fixed minimum window size not being set correctly on startup when using in borderless mode
Added setting to set default display gain
- Default display gain is now set at unity (0db) instead of +6db
Added setting to output audio preview only
Added Lemon theme
Prevent zooming when drawing a selection
Improved file handling when selecting a recording path
Fixed plugin validation on macOS Ventura
Added setting to capture DAW playback, disabled by default
- Right click -> Settings -> Capture Playback
- Drag the capture out by dragging the play/stop markers
- Drag the capture out by holding shift anywhere
Added channel selector to file settings
- Stereo, Mono (Left), Mono (Right)
Added Vintage theme
Various improvements to themes
Fixed ghost pixels when zooming out during silence
Fixed certain cursors not being shown over selection
Fixed certain settings not being saved on Linux in rare cases (Standalone)
Added Linux versions
Added CLAP support for all platforms
Added demo versions
Added setting to automatically trim sounds when dragging them out
- Make a selection and right click it to calibrate silence threshold, -125db by default
Added zooming
- Make a selection and roll the mousewheel to zoom in and out
- Make a selection and hit the "z" key on your keyboard to zoom in and out
Added recording duration (10 minutes)
Added a setting that draws more accurate waveforms
- By default the old drawing style is used when zoomed out
Dimmed paused display color
Fixed display getting blocky when resizing the window
Fixed stereo channels going out of sync in very rare cases
Fixed visual glitch when initiating audio preview
Added borderless windows to standalone version
Added support for pinning window on top to standalone version
Added 2 new recording durations (4 minutes, 15 seconds)
Added temporary performance settings (OpenGL, target FPS)
Improved Audio/MIDI setup in standalone version, can capture single inputs for mono
Standalone version now remembers its window size separately from the plugins
Fixed a bug that prevented dragging files to certain applications on macOS
Fixed a bug that didn't show certain cursors when holding down modifier keys
Fixed display disappearing when changing inputs in the standalone version